The speaker for January 2018 PEP MCLE Lunch will be Ryan Ronco from the Placer County Recorder's Office. He will be discussing the new law that went into effect on January 1 pertaining to the added recording fees along with other updates. Registration for lunch begins at 11:40 a.m. Presentation begins at 12:15 p.m.
RSVP Deadline is Thursday, by noon, January 18, 2017 with either online registration and online payment, or check must be received no later than January 19, 2017. After that date, if seating is available, walk-ins and late registrations price increases by $10.00.
Pricing: PEP Law Section members (and their employees): $35. (Non-section members may join at the event; section fees are $30); Non PEP Law Section members: $55; Court staff and newly admitted attorneys (0-3 years): $27; PCBA student members: $20
Please be sure to make your lunch selections during registration.
This lunch MCLE is proudly sponsored by Placer Land Trust and the Center for Land-Based Learning
*This activity is pending for MCLE credit of 1.0 hours in general law category. This event is for PCBA members and invited guests only. The PCBA and PEP Law Section reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone whose presence is unreasonably disruptive or who detracts from the safety, welfare and well-being of other patrons, staff and the establishment itself.