The PCBA Family Law Section will hold its 4-part series beginning on August 21, 2019. The topic is "child preferences," beginning first with a perspective from mental health professionals. The remaining segments will be held on September 25 (Attorney Panel), October 30 (Judges Panel) and November 12 (Practicum Module). Learn how child preference evidence is applied in the Courtroom, how mediators and Judges are considering it, and how can you use this valuable knowledge to obtain the best possible outcome for your clients. (Don’t worry we will go over the law as well.)
Another perk of these 4 MCLE’s is they will count for 4 hours towards your training to become minor’s counsel. DO NOT BE LEFT IN THE DARK - JOIN US!
In Part 3, we will hear from the Hon. Suzanne Gazzaniga, Hon. Mark Curry and Hon. John Paulsen, Commissioner of the Placer County Superior Court, who will discuss child preferences from the judicial point of view.
This lunch will be held at McCormick & Schmick's located at the Fountains in Roseville (Roseville Parkway and Galleria Blvd.,) starting at 12:00 on October 30, 2019. Please check in at 11:50 and grab your entree card. Don't worry if you forget what you ordered, we will have that information on hand.
Space is limited, so reserve your seat. Cost is $35 pre-pay for PCBA Family Law Section Members by going online. Cost for Non-PCBA member is $45 and PCBA non-Family Law Section member cost is $40. Walk-in registration cost, only if space is available, is $45. Please make your lunch selection at the time of registration. If payment is not received by October 28, your registration will be dropped.