The Court is roughly three months into the use of eDelivery for the submission of pleadings and other documents. The Court is seeing some trends in the types of challenges attorneys and their staffs are having with the system.
To help facilitate eDelivery filings, the Court is offering a 45 minute educational session on eDelivery, for attorneys and their key staff. There will be a walk through on account set up, how to submit new cases, how to submit subsequent documents, how to bundle documents (for the same case), how to view your returned documents, and a walk through some of the key items that result (or will soon result) in rejection of submissions.
This session will qualify for .8 MCLE credit. It is limited to 68 participants. There is no charge for this presentation. Sign-up quickly to save a "seat. Due to limited capacity, please limit one person per law office. Thank you.
Look for your registration confirmation email as it will contain your link to the Court's Bluejeans video conference system.