Family Law Sections 3-Part Child Custody Series
Utilizing the services of a Special Master/Parenting Coordinator
in High Conflict Custody Case
Date: April 26, 2023
Time: 11:45am (check-in) - 1:00pm
Location: Sierra View County Club
Note: Registration closes on April 24! Sign-up now to reserve your spot
In this second part of the series, attendees will learn about stipulating to a special master and when it should be implemented. A discussion will be held as to the benefits of having a special master for certain cases and what the special master can and cannot do. Learn about the differences between an attorney special master and a mental health professional special master. Most importantly, attendees will learn how the appointment of a special master can work towards keeping cases out of court.
Our speakers for Part 2 will include Charlotte Keeley, Esq. and Stephanie Stilley, LCSW.
Ms. Keeley has practiced family law since 1979. She is a certified family law specialist, since 1984. She practices in the greater Sacramento area, including Placer, Sacramento, Yolo and El Dorado counties. She is frequently asked to serve as a Special Master in high conflict child custody cases. Ms. Keeley served on the Sacramento County family law committee that developed Special Master guidelines and a “template” stipulation appointing a Special Master.
Stephanie Stilley is an LCSW who has been a CCRC, 3111 Evaluator, Co-Parenting Counselor, Reunification/Reconnection Therapist, and Special Master for cases in Sacramento, Placer, Yolo, El Dorado, and Nevada counties since 2011. She is one of very few mental health professionals who currently does Special Master/Parenting Coordinator work and has completed specialized training in the concepts.
When you register, be sure to check the box for your menu selection. Cost is $30 for all PCBA Family Law Section members, $35 for all other registrants whether you are a PCBA member or not.